Monsters, Manuscripts, and Me
My Journey So Far
My Early Love for Stories
The first story I ever loved was about a monster. Funny enough, it also terrified me—and that’s when I discovered the power of storytelling.
I love a good story. Whether it’s an oral retelling of a local legend around a campfire, or the latest feature film blazing across a giant screen, stories have been my great escape. Like most kids, I learned to read at around age 5 or 6. Since then, books have been a constant source of joy and wonder in my life.
One of my earliest favorites was a Little Golden Book called The Monster at the End of This Book. You may have heard of this fun story starring Grover of Sesame Street. It’s the perfect example of suspenseful storytelling with a big plot twist at the end.
I loved that book, but I was also scared to death of it. Throughout the book, you’re waiting for this terrifying monster to appear. You might say it was the very first horror story I ever read.
Years later, I excitedly shared There’s a Monster at the End of This Book with my own kids, hoping they’d feel the same magic I did. But to my dismay, they barely reacted. Kids these days, right?
Still, that little book planted a seed in me—a love for the printed word and the power of storytelling.
Each letter on the page weaves a world of heroes, villains, and beautifully flawed characters. Over time, that love grew into something more: the desire to create those worlds myself.
But somewhere along the way, I let that dream slip through my fingers.
You know what? I chickened out. I cast that dream aside. I had spent so much time dreaming that I barely graduated from high school. I convinced myself I didn’t have the skillset required to be a successful writer. I listened to my inner critic and decided I wasn’t smart enough, talented enough, or creative enough to satisfy that urge to build something out of nothing but letters and words.
Why I Started Writing
Only recently have I aged into that era of life where a person decides what other people think doesn’t really matter. Heck, I don’t even care what I think of myself anymore. I’ve decided I can't spend a lifetime reading hundreds, even thousands, of books and not fulfill that need to just write something.
So a big part of this project is for my own motivation. You, dear reader, get to casually observe as I go through the pleasure and pain of fulfilling a lifelong ambition. I may write something great, or perhaps I’m a talentless hack after all. I suppose we’re going to find that out together.
So, as I embark on this writing journey, I wanted to create a space to celebrate what inspires me most: stories. That’s where this blog comes in.
What This Blog Is About
But let’s set that all aside for now. What is this blog really about? Well, this is the place where I hope to share:
Honest reviews of every book I read.
Curated reading lists sorted by genre.
Tips for eBook lovers (looking for ways to build your library on a budget? I’ve got you!).
Thoughts on the writing process, from overcoming writer’s block to finding inspiration in the stories I read
I know this isn’t very ‘BookTok’ of me, but I’m a proud eBook evangelist. My Kindle Paperwhite is my trusty sidekick—no heavy books, no awkward page-turning in bed. Sure, there’s something romantic about the look and smell of a hardback, but let’s be real: adjustable fonts, perfect lighting, and portability win every time. I can toss it into my crossbody bag and dive into a story whenever inspiration strikes. Honestly, what a time to be alive!
All that said, welcome to my little corner of the internet! On Ryan Reads and Writes, you’ll find honest reviews of every book I read, curated reading lists sorted by genre, and tips for ebook lovers (looking for ways to build your library on a budget? I’ve got you!). I’ll also share my thoughts on the writing process, from overcoming my own writer’s block (hopefully) to finding inspiration in the stories I read (definitely). This blog is as much for readers as it is for writers—because the two are deeply connected. My goal is to create a space where we can celebrate storytelling together.
Thanks for joining me on this journey. Whether you’re a fellow bookworm, a writer chasing your first draft, or simply someone looking for your next great read, I hope you’ll stick around. We’ll swap stories, share inspiration, and geek out over books together. Go ahead and introduce yourself in the comments or follow me on TikTok. What book sparked your love for reading? I’m excited to hear from you!